SARMs: Types, Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects

Among fitness and wellness enhancement technologies, SARMs selective hormone receptor modulators’ popularity has continued to increase. These compounds, sooner or later causing a further emergence of anabolic agents, have gained this popularity because they can selectively act on specific muscle tissues and bones, offering possible benefits similar to those that anabolic steroids so far have been offering. This knowledge-filled guide serves as your gateway into the realm of SARMs. We cover various types of SARMs, use cases, benefits, and side effects which you should be aware of.

What are SARMs?

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are the newly developed group of compounds that aim to bind to just a certain type of receptors of the androgen hormone at selective sites of the body. In contrast to typical anabolic steroids, which, by affecting multiple tissues and organs, sometimes compromise their function, SARMs are grated to target particular tissues, including the muscle and bone, only. As for other organs, the liver and the prostate, the chances of negative effects are minimized.

List of SARMs

  1. Ostarine (MK-2866)
  2. Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
  3. Andarine (S-4)
  4. Testolone (RAD-140)
  5. Cardarine (GW-501516)

1. Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine, the chemical name for it is MK-2866, hides in the word SARMs in the fitness community.


It can do this because androgen receptors are only bound to it specifically and this generates muscle development and retention of lean muscle mass.


  • Enhanced muscle development,
  • Improved bone density
  • Potential therapeutic applications for muscle-wasting conditions

Side Effects:

  • Mild testosterone suppression
  • Possible nausea
  • Fatigue in some users

Dosage Plan:

Normally routine of 8 – 12 week cycles and dose intake varies between 10 to 30 mg per day.

General Public Review:

Increased muscle mass growth and improvement of the physical state with minimal adverse effects at recommended doses.

2. Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

On the other hand, Ligandrol also which is known by the name LGD-4033, is a strong SARM termed for its capacity to spur muscle growth throughout the body.


It acts selectively on androgen receptors by forming a complex with them which in turn enhances protein synthesis and muscle building.


  • Rapid muscle gains
  • Improved strength
  • Potential therapeutic use for muscle wasting disorders.

Side Effects:

  • Mild testosterone suppression
  • Occasional headaches
  • Nausea

Dosage Plan:

Usage of dosage may vary from 5mg to 10mg a day. For an optimal result, these cycles should be within 8–12 weeks period.

General Public Review:

Sometimes they say that they have observed that the power of their muscles has been enhanced and that it has happened with minimum adverse health effects when it is used in the right way.

3. Andarine (S-4)

S-4 or Andarine is another SARM used for a cutting phase. On top of that, its primary role is to maintain the lean muscle mass.


It results in an effect of binding to androgen receptors to convert fat oxidation and maintain muscle weight.


  • Fat loss
  • Improved vascularity
  • Maintenance of muscle during calorie deficit phases

Side Effects:

  • Temporary vision disturbances
  • Potential testosterone suppression

Dosage Plan:

Typically, the dosage ranges between 25- 50mg/day for the duration of 6 to 8 weeks. These cycles are known to be very effective.

General Public Review:

Users likely experience fat loss and muscle preservation responses but may have visual issues in some cases.

4. Testolone (RAD-140)

Testolone or RAD-140 amongst professional bodybuilders, is an effective SARM that is used for its potent anabolism.


It is also classified as an androgenic anabolic steroid that preferentially activates androgen receptors and spurs muscle growth and strength gain.


  • Increased muscle mass
  • Enhanced athletic performance
  • Potential benefits for age-related muscle loss

Side Effects:

  • Testosterone suppression
  • Potential aggression
  • Mood swings in sensitive individuals

Dosage Plan:

The dosage is between 10 mg and 20 mg per day, the cycles are quite different, as they do not last less than 8 up to 10 weeks.

General Public Review:

Athletes commonly report notable improvements in their muscle mass and strength, yet testosterone suppression might happen at the same time. Write a short paragraph that reveals your favorite historical event and its impact on current society.

5. Cardarine (GW-501516)

Cardarine(GW-501516), which is not a SARM but is most often used together with SARMs for its performance-enhancing effects, is one of the various substances you will see on this list.


It leads to the activation of the PPAR-delta route, endurance, and fat burning.


  • Improved endurance
  • Enhanced fat burning
  • Potential cardiovascular benefits

Side Effects:

  • Rare reports of liver toxicity
  • Although mostly seen in high doses
  • prolonged use

Dosage Plan:

We come up with the appropriate dosage of 10mg to 20 mcg per day, and utilize it in cycles of 8-12 months.

General Public Review:

Research proves that the benefit of endurance and fat loss is even stronger, and the point you need to be cautious about is the issue related to liver health.

Advantages of SARMs:

  • Properly directed action damage-release on muscle and bone tissues, protecting the organisms from unwanted side effects.
  • The chance of obtaining impressive muscle growth and endurance alongside performance in the sport is also strongly associated with anabolic steroid use.
  • Fewer chances of hormonal problems (androgenic side effects) compared to those of traditional steroids.
  • Is alright for those who are pursuing increased physiology but without severe hormonal oversupply.
  • Studies show the promise of muscle wasting therapy’s potential use in treatment.

Disadvantages of SARMs:

  • Testosterone might also be suppressed, which needs to go through the post-cycle.
  • Lack of safety data over a long term which makes it necessary to apply the drug with care and the need to monitor its use periodically.
  • The occurrence of side effects that range from headache, nausea, and vision abnormalities.
  • availability difficulties, as well as delicacy in regulation, which often, can reveal different product characteristics.
  • Ethics of the usage in sports competition and validation of doping for the sports body.


SARMs mark a particular route for those planning to appear more muscular and perform well on the physical ground with several androgenic effects which usually come with anabolic steroids. But it’s very important to use that method of personal improvement with care, company recommendations acceptance, and overall health and well-being preference. It is essential to consult a doctor or fitness expert who can help set up the optimal dosing for each SARM before the start of the supplementation program. This reduces the risk of side effects and improves the efficacy of the use.

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Bodybuilding and Steroids
Anabolic Steroids for Sexual Aid
Anabolic Steroids: Benefits and Risks
Relationship between Steroids and Testosterone

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